you heard me right. There’s a way to 3X your revenue.
Once this system is set up, customers will flow into your business like clockwork, almost as if they’re riding an actual conveyor belt.
And no, I’m not talking about the kind of conveyor belts John builds. This is different.
This “magical” conveyor is actually called a lead magnet.
Now, you’re probably thinking, “That sounds boring as f*ck.”
But here’s the thing. It’s anything but boring. And I’ll tell you exactly why a lead magnet is the secret weapon your business needs.
EVERYONE at some point has put their email on the website, either to create an account, subscribed to a newsletter or signed up for the 20% off coupon. So why do businesses want email addresses as bad as the local crackhead wants a hit of crack? To the point that they will give discounts for that?
Because after they have your email address, they can set a trap inside your inbox.
(not in a bad way tho)
They want to ensure that when you decide to buy that said product or service, you will buy it from them.
And at the same time, they are giving you more reasons to buy.
So how do you make this magic “leadmagnet”
You need to make them curious. You need to make them want to solve their problems.
Let's say that you had back pain and I sent you emails DAILY like this:
“3 simple steps to solve back pain FOREVER”
“The reason why you still have back pain”
“Want to know how it feels when your back does not hurt? Try this.”
You would open AT LEAST ONE of those emails.
And inside that email, they are giving you EVEN MORE reasons to buy, usually by listing the harms of not solving the problem, and the benefits of the solution.
“In 5 years you may not be able to walk anymore, if you don’t solve your back pain now. Only one physiotherapy session will make a drastic difference.”
This paired with soft selling makes buying almost irresistible. It is like a salesman that comes to visit you every day with a new reason to buy. Yes you heard me. E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y. Imagine having back pain and getting emails like that every day for a month or even a week, while at the same time suffering from back pain. You would 100% buy their solution.
Why is this “leadmagnet”CRUCIAL for your business?
There is a constant stream of customers.
When you have your leadmagnet set up the right way, that there are always people creating accounts and signing up for newsletters. You will have endless leads. (customers) And those people WILL buy from you at some point, and only because of the leadmagnet.
You will be the one to buy from
By sending your daily “salesman” into their inbox, you make sure that they will buy from you.
You will almost be the only option for them, since they have read your content.
They already trust you.
Small investment, big returns
You will save time and money by not needing to hire expensive employees or setting up expensive marketing campaigns.
Setting up a leadmagnet will not break your bank, and it is one of the highest return of investment marketing campaigns that there are.
What outcomes can you expect?
Let’s say you have made a decent leadmagnet. You get 8 new email addresses per day on average.
That is 240 a month. That is 240 likely customers PER MONTH. Now double it and it is merely 500 a month. Those are lifechanging numbers. Might want to start specing that new Porsche or call the real estate agent about that big mansion in Beverly hills. Because. You will be rich soon.
YES….. So how can I do that?
Okay so you are curious how to take advantage of the best business opportunity since.. ...EVER. First you need the email addresses of your prospects. Either you create a free newsletter or make people sign up for a free trial. There are endless ways of getting email addresses. And if you need help on brainstorming ideas. Contact us, we are experts in this field and will be happy to help you! After that, you need to strategically send the right messages, to make them go “YES I NEED TO BUY THIS NOW” And If you are not sure if you are willing to make a leadmagnet. Decide fast since you are losing possible customers right now, as you are reading this.
Do really you want the new Porsche?. Do you want the 7 bedroom mansion in Beverly hills?
You can only imagine what you could do with the money after tripling your businesses revenue.
Act now and start up your Customer Conveyor Belt
P.S. Click the link below to get a consultation where Elis will tell you EXACTLY on what to do.
P.S.S. Your competitors are probably using leadmagnets, that's why they will surpass you.